Mission, Vision, Core Values Tool
Life Score Tool
Goal Setting Tool
Strengths Assessment
Life Priorities Assessment
Proficiency Calculator
Life Score Tool
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– Vision / Mission
I consistently read, listen, watch, or otherwise consume nonfiction content with the intention to grow personally.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I'm often stressed and prone to avoidant behaviors. I struggle with sadness, low energy, and worry. I often find myself feeling irritated and resentful. The world just feels like too much sometimes.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
My sleep routine is optimized for peak performance. I'm intentional about my nutrition and eat a balanced diet. I regularly exercise and experience extra energy and strength as a result. My doctor says I'm the picture of health.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I hate my job and wish I could find something else to do. I dread going to work and live for the weekends. I feel like I am going backward in my vocation. I am not happy with my level of income.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I'm capable of handling stress in whatever form it comes. I am very confident and optimistic about the future. I face life with a sense of gratitude and joy. I empathize with other’s struggles and shortcomings.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I don't spend much time thinking about my spiritual state. I'm too wrapped up in my own plans and managing the rest of my life. I am not part of any faith community.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Thinking about my marriage makes me sad or depressed. I am frustrated with my partner and don’t understand why they can't or won't change. We experience a lot of conflict and continue to drift further and further apart.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Does not apply
I love being a parent and know it’s my most important work. I love my children and enjoy spending time with them. My children feel comfortable sharing their deepest desires and greatest fears. When we experience conflict, we resolve it in a way that restores trust and connection.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Does not apply
I have no time for interests outside work and family. I don’t have any hobbies, and I'm not really involved in any nonprofit or church activities. My life consists of work and family—that’s pretty much it.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
My sleep is inconsistent and I usually feel tired. I don't think about nutrition—in fact, my diet would scare my doctor. I do not move my body much and haven't had a physical in years.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Thinking about my marriage fills me with gratitude and joy. We love each other's company and talk about everything. We can't imagine a kinder, safer person than our partner. We actively encourage and support each other. We experience little conflict and are quick to resolve it in a way that leads to greater intimacy.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Does not apply
I don’t feel prepared to be a parent. I rarely enjoy it. Honestly, my children are a major source of conflict and stress.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Does not apply
I love my work and am confident I am making a positive impact. I am at the top of my game and feel adequately recognized for my work. I am growing and find the growth exciting. I am making more money than I need and love having the margin to invest in the future and in worthy causes.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Does not apply
I tend to neglect learning because other things get in the way.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I have ample time to pursue interests beyond work and family. I have a few life-giving hobbies I pursue with great friends. I'm significantly involved in a nonprofit or church, using my time and talent to make a difference in the world.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I have a close circle of great friends who accept me for who I am. I can’t wait to spend time with my friends, and we connect regularly. These relationships are one of my greatest sources of joy. When we experience conflict, we resolve it in a healthy way.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I worry constantly about my finances and am fearful about the future. I do not make enough money to cover my basic needs. I am not really saving anything for retirement—or anything else. I am deeply in debt and don’t currently see a way out.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I rarely think about my finances because I have all the bases covered. I make more than enough money for my needs and am able to give generously to causes that matter. I don’t have any debt, not even a mortgage. My net worth is in a place I'm excited about and I feel it will continue to grow.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I feel connected to God and that my life has meaning and purpose. I intentionally cultivate my spiritual life and actively pursue growth and enrichment. I enjoy participating in my faith community.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
I'm lonely and don’t have any close friends. Most of my friendships are at work or through social media. I used to have real friends, but we've either lost track of each other or don't hang out because of unresolved conflict.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Total Score (Parent and Married)
Total Score (Parent, Not Married)
Total Score (Married, Not a Parent)
Total Score (Not Married, Not a Parent)
Your greatest areas of opportunity are:
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